Blender / 3D Modelling Projects
In 2024, I had a strong interest in Blender & 3D modelling. I really wanted to learn how to create things in 3D, for many reasons, one being that it would make my mock-ups look way cooler, but ultimately it was just because I love to push myself and expand my skillset. It might sound tacky or cliche, but I really do love learning new skills and new knowledge, it’s something I’ve always tried to do even before I became obsessed with graphic design (e.g. crochet, embroidery, sewing, knitting, every kind of paint medium, etc.). So, I spent a good amount of 2024 in my free time (what little there was of it) self-teaching myself Blender.
It all started when we did the Re:act Billboard Project - I had the coolest concept, but no idea how I wanted to design it. Drawing it or photographing it didn’t get the ‘look’ I was going for, so for a few days I was stumped. But then I thought, hey, what if I 3D model it? By this point I had no real experience in Blender, I’d just watched a few random videos of others using it. It was now Monday morning, the design was due to be presented to the client and their partners by that Thursday morning and I needed time to finalise the design in Photoshop and Illustrator. That Monday, I spent the ENTIRE day watching tutorial after tutorial, as well as pressing random buttons to see what they do (and messing up my entire project to an unredeemable point multiple times) and by Monday night, I had my entire ghost and car set up finalised. I couldn’t believe it. I popped it into Photoshop to draw in the eyes, then into Illustrator to put it into the lockup provided to us by Re:act. Then I finished up the design with the quote I’d created, as well as the URL I’d chosen. By Thursday morning, no one had seen my design - everyone thought I was still on a previous concept idea. When I presented, and explained how I’d never used Blender prior to Monday, everyone was shocked. My lecturer especially, “where the hell did this come from?!” he’d said.
Anyway, I’ve spent a little bit more time in Blender since then, not heaps, but a nice amount. Check out my work below!!
Re:Act Project
![Ghost Boi Driving Animation20001-0120 (1).gif](
![Re-act (1).gif](
Akokoma Project
Random Things
![wine glass0001-0080.gif](
![brain fren.png](